My thoughts, rambling,nonsense, pics, life tales and any thing else I care to share with who ever wants to listen
Monday, December 13, 2010
Grimaldi's, Best Pizza?!
This past weekend, we took a trip to NYC to see the x-mass window displays and to do the tourist thing, but we also wanted to check out Grimaldi's Pizza in Brooklyn.
My wife found out about Grimaldi's online, and the reviews were all the same. Grimaldi's was the best you could get. So, we planned it in to our trip. Why not, who doesn't want the best of anything, right? So we got the 6 train fom up town down to the Brooklyn Bridge. We walked over the bridge and down to Grimaldi's. The rain held off ling enough to cross the bridge, but soaked us on the short walk to the Pizzarea. But that did not matter, we were about to taste heaven!
All the bloggs and tips we read told us that the line for pizza would be long, around the block, no slices, and no seats inside. We kept all this in mind as we walked in the rain keeping our minds on the pie.
As we got closer, you could smell the pizza's cooking. We got giddyer with every step. as we got to the block, we saw no one. There was no line at all, not even in the rain. Certainly, we couldn't be the only ones that wanted the best pizza, there must be others?! There was not. we were told by a man at the door that the line started uner the scafold a half a block away. We told him we called in an order and found only one person could go in. In I went. The place was packed. Every table was taken> But this can't be! Every thing we were told said no seats. Well so far nothing turned out the way we were told, but the pizza is the best, so let go! The man at the counter took my money, cash only, and handed me a pie in a white paper bag, OK. I went back out side under the scaffold and we tore the bag opened. The pizza smelled great and looked good. Nice thin crust, hot and.......
We took a bite and expected to see angles. That did not happen. While Grimaldi's Pizza was good, it was not the best, or as amazing as it was made out to be.
Don't get me wrong, it was a flavorful brick oven thin crust pizza, but it did not blow us away.
Grimaldi's is a place you want to check out if you are in the area. But in my opinion, it was not worth the trek to Brooklyn from up town. NYC has lots of great pizza places, so if you are in the city you are a stones throw away from good food. If you are in Brooklyn, head to Grimaldi's
Friday, October 29, 2010
Halloween has been scared off
But over the past few years, I have been doing less and less. Now this year, no decorations, no costume, no candy and no excitement. Slowly and sure, the kids that come live in and come to our neighborhood have sucked the fun out of it. I spend time setting up my yard and getting ready for the big day, it's like X-mass for me. but I have noticed that the kids don't appreciate my efforts. They say things like, you had the same decorations last year, can you give better candy, you house is not scary any more.
Well I'm sorry I don't have the money to get new decorations every year, and sorry my candy is not to your liking. But the fact is, it's free, and if you don't like my house, don't come. It's not hard.
Now fore the rest of it. The kids from other areas that show up. I don't have a problem with kids from other neighborhoods showing up, I did it when I was a kid. Lets face it, for free candy, I worked every neighborhood I could for miles around.
the problem is these ungratefully bastards have the nerve to show up with NO COSTUME! Well the rule at our hose is "No costume, No candy" And these kids will argue with you over it. I tell them, "It's not free candy give away day, so when it is free candy give away day, come back and see us." I've just given up with the fighting and disrespect. And If the lights are out, don't knock. These kids have no idea of this. They bang until I yell out the widow for them to go away.
So as the big daty comes around, I am saddened that it's over for me. I still listen to the Halloween station on XM, and I'm still going to watch horror movies. I just won't go out to play like I did in years past.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Gettin my name out there.
So, I'm trying to get my name out there. Growing up, it was not this easy to meet people, and get your name out there, today it is. In this virtual world of my space, facebook, twitter, google buzz, smart phones and you tube, we can all be stars in our own right. Lets face it, we all have a voice, and we all want to be herd. Every one , at some point, feels what they have to say, the entire world need to hear. I'm no stranger to this. I want my voice to be herd, I want people to know who I am, I want to be recognized for things I do and say. Why not? You only get on go at this. In the end, did you leave a mark? Did you do what you wanted to? Did you accomplish you life goals? Will people remember you for years to come, or will you be a distant memory?
I'm guilty of this. I want to be remembered. I am important to me.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Punk Rock Nicole
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
EMS Appreciation Week
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
I need to get this out.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Tear Another Hole in my Heart!

Well, another hole has been torn in my heart. My Rottie, Cayenne, has taken a downward spiral in her health. I know that she has liver 13 great years, but know it's just about time to say good by to her.
Her quality of life has dwindled down to almost nothing. She is not eating, can't get up with out my help, lost a lot of weight, and falls dow frequently. I was reall hopping that I would not have to make the decision to put her down. After Trixie, I am still not over that. But I don't think she will ho on her own with out suffering.
So, on Saturday December 1, 2006, I will call on Dr. Bestie to help me lay my Cayene to rest.
I have invited some friends and family down to be there with her, she is a people dog for sure, and I want her to feel loved in her final moments.
I can not explain how hard it is to know that it's time to let a pet go. It is by far the hardest ting to do, and get over.
And as much as I love dog's and would love to have another, I don't know that my heart can take any more. We also have 2 Yorkie's, and I don't know what I will do when the time comes. I just know that my heart can't take any more
What a Shitty way to start the new year

For those of you who know me, know that my dogs mean the world to me. And Trixie has been with me for the past 12 years. The past few day's she has not been her self, difficulty breathing, not eating, does not want to go for a walk. So I took her to the vet last night and found out that Trixie has Congestive Heart Failure. When the vet uttered those word, I was instantly CRUSHED! I felt sick, and my stomach felt like it fell out. They took blood, and x-rays, and found fluid in her lungs and her heart is 10percent larger than it should be. There is no telling how long she will live. She is now on medication for the rest of her life. I can't believe how fast this came on. She was running and playing one day, and now she can barley walk down the block with me. Well I have to be positive about it, she and our other dogs have a great quality of life and get lots of love, so fingers crossed...... What a shitty way to start out the new year. I already hate 2006.........
Black friday
Current mood: Category: Life Well here it is, another x-mass holliday season is thrust upon us! Just when I thought it was bad enough that x-mass items were on display before Holloween was even over, the infamous "Black Friday" has reered it's ugly head yet again. First let me start by asking, what dumb ass CAMPS OUT over night in a Walmart parking lot??? Are you people really that stupid? First of all think abut what you are doing. You are sleeping in a parking lot so you can be the first one in the door to buy some cheap crap that the person you are buying it for probably does not even want! I love to watch the news to see all of you dumb asses who camped out trip and fall and get trampled on on the way in the door. Guess your dumb ass isn't getting that $100 lap top this year. And how good can a $100 lap top from Walmart be anyway? Lets try and think this through people! I know it's hard to pass up thoes once in a life time 4 hour sales that only come but once a year, but this time next year you will pitching a tent in the local mall parking lot to get that "Black Friday" sale, and I will be sitting warm an snug in my bed watching the news of all you dumb asses getting into fist fights over the new Care Bear doll, and getting trampled half to death and laughing, because all my x-mass shopping is done. And yes, it was worth spending the extra money on my non-sale items just to see you dumb asses making fools of your selves to "kick off" the holliday season. Merry x-mass to all, and to all a good night..... Ho, Ho, Ho |
Gothics. When they're not getting their asses kicked, they're busy getting drunk and having sex with dead animals.
They give me diarrhea. What the hell's wrong with them? They always look pale, weak and sickly. Nothing a reality check can't fix. But no, they choose to dress up like french poets and walk around like vampires. Why don't you losers get a life and quit pretending like you're depressed? Maybe then people will stop treating you like the dipshits that you are, and you'll gain some respect. You know, I've done my homework. I've probably checked out over 50 pages by people who consider themselves "gothic." I've read over 20 definitions, and none of them were consistent. They're quick to label themselves asgothics, but they can't even pick a definition and stick with it. Instead, they allow people like myself to stereotype them by aesthetics. The bottom line is, that there probably isn't a universally accepted definition of a gothic because the entire movement or lifestyle (or lack thereof) revolves around just that: aesthetics. Sounds trivial and unimportant to me.
Don't get me wrong here, I have nothing against depressed people. As I come to understand it, most gothics aren't even depressed. They just act that way because they're cowards. Cowards afraid of dying. I almost laughed out loud when I first read this. Afraid of dying? Why is this even an issue? Well tough shit. If they're so afraid of dying, then they shouldn't have been born. Not my loss.
They're so afraid of death and dying, yet they smoke, drink and have unprotected sex. I know not all gothics are like that, but I don't give a shit about being politically correct. So don't mail me saying "On your page you said all [insert name of dipshits here] are [insert stereotype here]." Yes, I know. Nobody cares. My point is that gothics are shitty, and something should be done about them.
I propose that we build a giant cannon, gather up all the gothics, pack them into the cannon, and launch them into a brick wall. SLAM. No more gothics. Maybe then they'd have a reason to be depressed. That is, if any of them lived. They're all so pale and weak that a mere launch into a brick wall might finish them off.
I was going to talk about this girl I went to high school with that was a shit-eating gothic, but I'm too tired. Just take my word for it, she was shitty.