Well, another hole has been torn in my heart. My Rottie, Cayenne, has taken a downward spiral in her health. I know that she has liver 13 great years, but know it's just about time to say good by to her.
Her quality of life has dwindled down to almost nothing. She is not eating, can't get up with out my help, lost a lot of weight, and falls dow frequently. I was reall hopping that I would not have to make the decision to put her down. After Trixie, I am still not over that. But I don't think she will ho on her own with out suffering.
So, on Saturday December 1, 2006, I will call on Dr. Bestie to help me lay my Cayene to rest.
I have invited some friends and family down to be there with her, she is a people dog for sure, and I want her to feel loved in her final moments.
I can not explain how hard it is to know that it's time to let a pet go. It is by far the hardest ting to do, and get over.
And as much as I love dog's and would love to have another, I don't know that my heart can take any more. We also have 2 Yorkie's, and I don't know what I will do when the time comes. I just know that my heart can't take any more
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