Well as I said in my broadcast, it looks as though facebook has become the new phone. Discontinue you voice plan and get a tab, or some similar device because there is facebook!
I'm sure you have herd this one "oh you didn't know, I messaged you on facebook" Really! call me old school, but I do carry a device that is capable of sending and receiving voice call and it's called......wait for it....wait for it.....a PHONE!!!! If what you have to tell me is soooooo important, call me. don't facebook me, who knows when I will get that message. Gone are the days of the pay phone and beeper. I remember when you actual had to get coins and go to a pay phone and dial it. No more, again, WE HAVE FACEBOOK!!! THANK GOD!!!
I'm not saying I don't use facebook. I do. I just don't use it as a practical way to communicate with people. If I have something stupid to say or a picture to post, OK.
Keep in mind folks, facebook is a message board, nothing more. But instead of posting to a public thread, it's private. So there is no need to get all worked up when your "friend" doesn't respond to your fb post. Get over it. there are more effective ways to get a message to someone.
Anyway, I do know that most of you are consumed with all the social media. As I said in the past, it's our little clam to fame on the internet. While this won't be a fad or a flash in the pan, I do believe we need to get back to the basics and work on our communication skills as a whole.