Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween has been scared off

With Halloween fast approaching, our House sits, undecorated and very UN-Halloween like. For me, Halloween is a favorite. I like to set my front yard up as a grave yard, dress up and scare the kids and just have fun with it.
But over the past few years, I have been doing less and less. Now this year, no decorations, no costume, no candy and no excitement. Slowly and sure, the kids that come live in and come to our neighborhood have sucked the fun out of it. I spend time setting up my yard and getting ready for the big day, it's like X-mass for me. but I have noticed that the kids don't appreciate my efforts. They say things like, you had the same decorations last year, can you give better candy, you house is not scary any more.
Well I'm sorry I don't have the money to get new decorations every year, and sorry my candy is not to your liking. But the fact is, it's free, and if you don't like my house, don't come. It's not hard.
Now fore the rest of it. The kids from other areas that show up. I don't have a problem with kids from other neighborhoods showing up, I did it when I was a kid. Lets face it, for free candy, I worked every neighborhood I could for miles around.
the problem is these ungratefully bastards have the nerve to show up with NO COSTUME! Well the rule at our hose is "No costume, No candy" And these kids will argue with you over it. I tell them, "It's not free candy give away day, so when it is free candy give away day, come back and see us." I've just given up with the fighting and disrespect. And If the lights are out, don't knock. These kids have no idea of this. They bang until I yell out the widow for them to go away.
So as the big daty comes around, I am saddened that it's over for me. I still listen to the Halloween station on XM, and I'm still going to watch horror movies. I just won't go out to play like I did in years past.

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